Examination Format and OSCE Sample Stations
Format of Examination Stations - Part II (OSCE)
The Qualifying Examination – Part II consists of both interactive and non-interactive stations.
Each station will require that you complete one or more short tasks such as:
- counselling or responding to questions from a “Standardized Patient” or Standardized Client
- interacting with a “Standardized Patient” or “Standardized Client” or “Standardized Health Professional” to resolve a drug therapy problem or ethical dilemma
- responding in writing to a message or request for information/advice
- screening / evaluating new prescriptions
- checking dispensed prescriptions for accuracy prior to their release
You may be required to select and justify the best therapeutic option available. For example, in a situation involving a patient’s request for assistance in selecting an appropriate nonprescription remedy for symptomatic relief, limited products will be displayed and there will be one or more appropriate and inappropriate options. Even if you believe there is a better option than those provided, you must choose the most appropriate option(s) from those available.
In any situation, you are expected to use your professional and/or ethical judgment, and act in the best interests of the patient, in order to provide good patient care. In most instances, you are required to assist the client in some way while the client is present in the station, not simply refer the client to another health professional nor indicate that you will call them back later with your response (although you may either refer or offer to call back in addition to providing appropriate assistance).
Five station examples, which are representative of the formats for three interactive stations and two non-interactive stations, are found below.
References in Stations - Part II (OSCE)
References are provided in some OSCE stations, but not all. Documents or excerpts thereof may be provided from the following list (printed or downloaded onto an electronic tablet / hand-held device):
- CPS (The Canadian Pharmacists Association)
- RxVigilance (Vigilance Santé)
- RxFiles (RxFiles Academic Detailing, University of Saskatchewan)
- UpToDate (Wolters Kluwer)
- TRC Healthcare
- Merck Manual
- Health Canada publications
- Canadian clinical organizations
- Other professional references, where appropriate.
Candidates may only use the references provided in the stations. References are provided only when they are deemed essential in allowing candidates to meet the objectives of the station (i.e. solving the problem), but not necessarily when the station is based on knowledge and skills that candidates are expected to possess at entry to practice.
OSCE Sample Stations
Sample Station #1
Interactive Station (with a Standardized Patient) – involving a prescription medication
Sample Station #2
Interactive Station (with a Standardized Patient) – involving a nonprescription medication
Sample Station #3
Non-interactive Station – involving screening new prescriptions
Sample Station #4
Non-interactive Station – involving checking dispensed prescriptions
DOWNLOAD Sample Station # 4 – Checking Dispensed Prescriptions
Sample Station #5
Interactive Station (with a Standardized Health Professional)
DOWNLOAD Sample Station # 5 – Warfarin / Carbamazepine Interaction