Home Pharmacists Pharmacist Qualifying Examination Preparing for the Examination Part II (OSCE)
Part II (OSCE)
Preparing for the Pharmacist Qualifying Examination - Part II (OSCE)
Part II of the Qualifying Examination is an “objective structured clinical examination” (OSCE), and is taken on a different day than Part I.
The OSCE consists of a series of “stations” simulating common and/or critical practical situations. These simulations often involve interactions with a “Standardized Patient” (SP) or “Stardardized Client” (SC) (e.g., parent or caregiver) or “Standardized Health Professional” (SHP).
Each station is designed to assess one or more competencies. For example, a station may involves:
- gathering and interpreting information needed to identify and/or solve a patient’s drug therapy problem
- identifying and solving a practice problem which may involve the same patient (e.g., sharing of clinical information)
- collaborating with other health professionals and/or caregivers in solving the problems
- communicating effectively
A trained examiner, using standardized assessment criteria, will observe, record and assess candidate’s interactions and completion of the task.