Examination Scoring and Results
Scoring and Pass Standing
If you achieve at least 60% of the total possible score (150), you will be awarded pass standing.
Performance Trends on the Pharmacist Evaluating Examination
The Pharmacist Evaluating Examination is only administered to graduates of international (non-U.S., non-accredited) pharmacy programs and is required before candidates are permitted access to attempt the Pharmacist Qualifying Examination.
PEBC has compiled data on the performance of candidates who have attempted the exam. The data below provides the pass rates on the Pharmacist Evaluating Examination in the seven sittings between the Winter 2021 and Winter 2024 administrations.
Quality Assurance Processes for the Examination
The Pharmacist Evaluating Examination questions have been developed, reviewed, and pretested, then refined and reviewed again to ensure that they function as required for assessing competence in the examination subject areas. These quality assurance processes utilize a Panel of individuals with academic specialty expertise as well as pharmacist practitioners with clinical excellence.
Each form of the Pharmacist Evaluating Examination is prepared according to an examination blueprint, based on the four major subject areas, as outlined in the Evaluating Examination Blueprint Subject Areas. It is reviewed and approved for administration. PEBC staff and examination personnel perform and document quality control checks on each examination administration and scoring, to ensure that all procedures have been followed, that all data is complete and that scoring is accurate. Analyses of the scoring are conducted to confirm the reliability and validity of the results.
Distribution of Results
Results are posted to the PEBC website up to 5 weeks after the exam. The results list contains the following information:
- The PEBC ID numbers of candidates who passed the exam
No other information appears on the results list. The list will appear in the Pharmacist Evaluating Exam section of the website.
Results letters are then added to the Digital Wallet of each candidate within one week of the results list posting. Results will not be released by phone, so please do not call PEBC to ask for them. If your results letter is not added to your Digital Wallet within one week of the results list posting please email pebcinfo@pebc.ca.
Scores are not reported since score differences on a certification exam are not meaningful for the purpose of determining whether you were successful. Results are given on a pass/fail basis only. Either you have qualified or have not yet qualified for certification. Board policy does not permit the release of overall exam scores, passing scores, or question/station content, including correct/incorrect responses.
Feedback Reports
Feedback reports will be added to the Digital Wallet of each candidate with the results letters.
These reports provide relative feedback on a candidate’s performance according to the Subject Areas tested in the examination. This information is intended to help candidates identify their areas of greatest weakness so they can focus on study and remediation accordingly. It is important for candidates to review their feedback keeping in mind the relative blueprint weighting for each subject area in the examination blueprint (see Pharmacist Evaluating Examination Blueprint Subject Areas).
If you require any clarification of the information in your feedback report, email pebcinfo@pebc.ca a request with your telephone contact information, so that you can be reached by phone during PEBC office hours.
Certifying and licensing examinations are of a summative and confirmatory nature; they are used to certify competence to practise the profession at an entry-level, in the interest of the protection of the public. The examination is not intended to be educational or diagnostic. With respect to more detailed feedback on a candidate’s weaknesses, the Pharmacy Examining Board of Canada is unable to provide additional feedback or recommendations regarding individual performance or remediation.
Re-Scoring of the Examination for Unsuccessful Candidates
If you made an unsuccessful attempt, you can request one final hand scoring of the exam. To make your request, mail or courier the following to PEBC. These items must be received by PEBC within 75 days of the release of exam results:
1. A hardcopy letter that includes:
- your PEBC ID number
- the name of the exam you wish to have rescored
- the statement “I wish to have my exam rescored”
2. The required fee – Please review the offline fee instructions to ensure your fee is submitted correctly.
This hand-scoring is only to confirm correct data entry and tabulation of scores.
The content, methodology, standards, or assessment criteria of the Pharmacist Evaluating Examination are not subject to review or appeal by unsuccessful candidates or their agents. (Refer to: Quality Assurance Processes for the Examination)
Attempts at the Pharmacist Evaluating Examination
Please assess your preparedness carefully before attempting the Pharmacist Evaluating Examination.
Candidates are permitted a maximum of four attempts for the Pharmacist Evaluating Examination.
After three unsuccessful attempts, if you can present evidence, acceptable to the Board, of successful completion of remediation according to Board specifications (as outlined in your results letter), the Board is prepared to consider your petition for a fourth, final attempt. Remediation is only accepted if started after the date on your results letter and completed within one year of your fourth, final attempt. Documentation confirming completion of remediation must be received by PEBC, by email, at least three weeks before the date of the exam. You can find more information HERE.
It is important to assess your exam preparedness carefully and not simply make another attempt without adequate remediation and improvement in the needed areas. If you make an unsuccessful attempt, you cannot take the next scheduled exam because the results release date is after the application deadline. This also helps ensure you have time to prepare before your next attempt.
It is important to ensure that the application form for a fourth attempt of the Pharmacist Evaluating Examination is received by the deadline date, even if your eligibility to take the Pharmacist Evaluating Examination is conditional upon receipt of required remediation. Please do not wait for PEBC to acknowledge receipt of your remediation documentation, prior to sending your application.
Applications received after the deadline will not be processed, even if the pending documentation has been received prior to the exam date.
If you fail your fourth, final attempt, you will not be permitted to retake the Evaluating Examination and therefore cannot proceed further toward PEBC certification.
If you withdraw before the start of an exam, it does not count as one of your attempts at the exam. Once you have begun an exam sitting, it does count as one of your attempts, even if you must leave the examination early – unless you are granted a “no standing” status based on a sudden event (see below).
Candidates are strongly encouraged not to attempt the exam and to make an appropriate withdrawal if, prior to the exam, they are ill or have extraordinary circumstances, including bereavement, that may affect their performance on the exam.
“No Standing” Status
If you must leave the examination early due to sudden illness or another sudden emergency situation and are unable to complete the examination, you may be granted a “no standing” status. The decision will be based on your written request and explanation, and this must be accompanied by valid documentation acceptable to the Registrar-Treasurer. In such circumstances, the sitting may be waived and not counted as an attempt. The examination fee will not be refunded.
Candidate requests for an additional attempt or a “no standing” status on the basis of medical conditions or compassionate grounds (such as bereavement) will NOT be considered, unless received by the Registrar-Treasurer within seven calendar days after the close of the examination. In order for the request to be considered, the appropriate official documentation must be provided. A causal link must be made between the serious medical condition or compassionate circumstances and the effect on the candidate’s performance on the examination.
Petitions for special consideration received more than seven calendar days after the examination (e.g. upon receipt of a notice of an unsuccessful examination result) will NOT be considered.
Pharmacist Qualifying Examination (Part I and Part II) Information
Once you pass the Evaluating Examination, the applications for the Qualifying Examination (Part I and Part II) will be added to your Portal account. You will find all the information you need to apply in the Candidate Portal as well as in the Pharmacist Qualifying Examination section.
Before applying for the Pharmacist Qualifying Examination, please assess your preparedness carefully, especially for Part II (OSCE). Effective written and verbal language proficiency and communication skills (at levels satisfactory for a health care professional), together with hands-on patient care experience in a Canadian practice setting, are essential for success in the PEBC Qualifying Examination and for licensure as a pharmacist.