Comments, Complaints and Requests for Further Consideration
Candidates must submit any verbal complaints or concerns about any aspect of the examination (e.g., process, examination facilities, and examination administration) or personal circumstances (e.g., illness, bereavement) to exam personnel for immediate attention and correction, if possible, and documentation on a report to PEBC. Candidates should sign the appropriate Waiver if they decide to continue/discontinue the examination.
Any complaints or concerns which are not documented by the candidate at the examination site are not considered as part of the Complaints, Concerns and Appeals Process.
For computer-based (MCQ) examinations, candidates must document their concerns or complaints in the Post-Exam Survey that is presented upon completion of the exam.
For the Qualifying Examination – Part II (OSCE/OSPE), candidates must document their concerns or complaints in writing on the Candidate Feedback Questionnaire before leaving the examination site.
Any candidate who feels that a specific matter that was documented on the day of the examination requires further action or response, or any candidate seeking to request “no standing” status in respect of the examination due to a sudden illness or other emergency situation, must send such additional comments or request for no standing, along with any supporting documentation, in writing to the PEBC Registrar-Treasurer so that it is received within 7 calendar days after the close of the examination.